Stuff We Like: May Edition

Recommended reading on style, weddings, and other stuff we like from around the web.

β†’ Twenty-Five Pieces of Basic Sartorial Knowledge So You Don’t Look Dumb
Read these 25 pieces of vital information that every man over the age of 14 in the Western world should know, with no exceptions. You’ll be better for it. [Put This On]

β†’ A Visual Guide to the Darkest Material Ever Made
Some say midnight blue tuxedos appear “blacker than black.” Those people obviously never saw a sample of Vanta Black, the new world record holder for the darkest man-made substance (it absorbs 99.965% of light). [Twisted Sifter]

β†’ The Square Toe Shoe Must Die
The editors of GQ rightly call our the sartorial disgrace that is the square-toed shoe, and lobby for its swift and definitive death. [GQ]

β†’ If You Like Good Music, You Should Get a Perfect Score on This Quiz
We didn’t get a perfect score. [Esquire]

β†’ If you lose your wedding ring in the ocean (or anywhere), there is a national directory of people who will help you find it free of charge!
So states the headline to this improbable Reddit post, but as the comments attest this things to be a real thing that actually sometimes works. [Reddit]