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The Holiday Gift Generator


The Holiday Gift Generator

We surveyed men across the country to nail down what different "types" of men want this holiday season. Use our gift generator to find the perfect gift.

Last updated: Copy Link

Now that it’s December, we’re officially in holiday shopping territory. Last week stores extended their hours for Black Friday sales, and E-commerce businesses tackled Cyber Monday traffic. Now, department stores across the country are decking their halls in anticipation of eager shoppers. 

Regardless of when or how you like to go about holiday shopping, we’ve all found ourselves aimlessly wandering from store to store with no idea what to buy our loved ones at one point or another. Whether you’re unsure of what to get your partner, father, brother, or uncle, we know how tricky it can be to come up with gift ideas for the men in your life. After all, there are so many different ‘types’ of men, that it can be overwhelming to find the perfect gift for each of them. 

That’s why we decided to roll up our sleeves and help you come up with gift ideas. We surveyed men across the country to nail down what different types of men want this holiday season. And whether you’re shopping for your boyfriend (‘The Dapper Gentleman’ ) your Grandpa (‘The Handyman’), or your brother, (‘The Metro Man’), we have plenty of fresh gift ideas for you. 

Curious to see what the men in your life want to see under the tree this holiday season? Simply select the "type" of man you’re shopping for and a gift category in the generator below for personalized gift ideas.

Want to spread the holiday gifting cheer to provide your friends with some gift ideas for the men in their lives? Be sure to share your results on social media!