Stuff We Like: June Edition

Recommended reading on style, weddings, and other stuff we like from around the web.

This Founder Helps Travelers Crash The Wedding Of Their Dreams At JoinMyWedding Inc., their mission is to “help people share their life events with others, creating cultural understanding and lasting connections.” [Forbes]

As Taboos Break Down, Iranians Party On When they meet afterward outside the venue, they are not supposed to shake hands, as any physical contact is forbidden. But the Hashemis’ wedding and many other equally relaxed social events illustrate how the old rules are giving way to the inevitability of change. [New York Times]

Trying To Hear Kanye West’s New Album, ‘ye,’ Through All The Noise It’s too early to tell how we’ll feel about this album in a week, month, year. …it’s better to grapple honestly with works we’re conflicted about and tortured by than to ignore them altogether. [NPR Music]

@jonpauldouglass (left) and @packtography (right)



When it comes to our suits, we’re like proud parents—we have to share it when they go out into the world and do great things. Here are our favorites from the past month.

Catch our eye on Instagram by tagging your photos @theblacktux and #thisguyrents.